sweet disposition: a self portrait project

My bouquet from Toni’s wedding had all these beauties that me and my sister Dianne decided to do self portraits using them the day after.   We had very little time to shoot as it was getting dark  and then it started to rain!

To make the flower crown,  i used an old metal headband wrapped in black ribbon, and used SCOTCH TAPE to hold the flowers.   not very glamorous, but it worked!:D  The carnations lasted for many days after, but the roses started wilting as we were doing the shoot. Please visit my sister’s blog thedsides.com to see her photos.  they’re amazing!  and a hundred times better than mine! 😀  unlike me, she’s comfortable in front of the camera.  Here’s the link to the actual set:  http://thedsides.com/2012/05/22/playtime/ Thank you!:)

All photos (mine & dianne’s) were taken using a Canon 550d and it’s 18-55mm kit lens.